Thursday, October 4, 2012

SportArbs Debit Card.....this time??

Been some unexpected developments with SportArbs this last month, with news that a debit card may finally become a reality. After submitting my id documents some 20 months ago, they have at last been approved! Only catch is, there is a nominal fee for delivery. I have been advised that my cost (to Australia) is $34.80, payable only with Liberty Reserve. Not my favourite ecurrency, but I am making the effort to get some funds added and make the required payment. With a current balance in excess of $176k, I feel it is worth the risk! Still 5-6 weeks before anyone will really know for sure, as that is their advised delivery schedule. Been waiting over 3 years.....what's another 2 months?! Stay tuned.....the world will certainly know if this one finally comes good.
Safe investing, Aussiegold.